Sonic Impact Technologies CD Player SFT 1 User Manual

O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L  
T H E S O N IC F R O N T I E R S S F T - 1 T R A N S P O R T  
K - Ma in Pow e r Sw itch - This switch must be in the “on” posi-  
tion for the SFT-1 to operate. When the PO WER button (J) has  
rendered the unit’s control functions off, this switch allows  
power to continue to circulate to sections of the transport so the  
unit will operate at maximum efficiency with no warm-up time  
required. This switch should remain on at all times.  
O - Coa x ia l BNC Ca b le Outp ut - This digital output is a BNC  
S/ PDIF connector. If chosen for use, this digital output should  
be connected to an S/ PDIF connector on the DAC. The BNC -  
Coaxial cable impedance should be 75 ohms.  
P - Coa x ia l RCA Ca b le Ou tp ut - This digital output is an  
RCA S/ PDIF connector. If chosen for use, this digital output  
should be connected to an S/ PDIF connector on the DAC. The  
RCA - Coaxial cable impedance should be 75 ohms.  
L - De ta ch a b le Pow e r Cord So ck e t - Plug the Detachable  
Power Cord into this socket (see Figure 1). The SFT-1 is factory  
set for the correct operating voltage for the area in which it is  
sold (see shipping box for voltage setting). If a different operat-  
ing voltage is required, please contact an authorized Sonic  
Frontiers dealer, distributor or the factory directly.  
M - H-P/ ST (Gla ss Fib re ) Op tica l O u tp u t - If chosen for use,  
this digital output must connect to an ST-Optical input on the  
- AES/ EBU XLR Outp ut - This digital output conforms to the  
AES/ EBU (Audio Engineering Society/ European Broadcast  
Union) standard. If this output is chosen for use, a 110 ohm  
balanced cable terminated with XLR plugs should be used for a  
connection to the DAC.  
NOTE: The XLR jack pin connectors for the SFT-1 are config-  
ured as follows:  
Pin #1 : Ground  
Pin #2 : Positive (+) Phase  
Pin #3 : Negative (–) Phase  
Fig ure 1 - Align socket pins to corresponding holes and push together firmly.  
F U N C T IO N S O F T H E S F T -1 R E M O T E C O N T R O L  
T - Pla y Bu tto n - W hen depressed, this button will put the trans-  
port in play mode. During play mode, the CD is being read  
and a digital datastream is being transmitted from the chosen  
digital output (M through P).  
U - Pa use Button - When depressed, this button will stop the  
transmission of the digital datastream at the precise moment it is  
depressed, and will hold that position until play is resumed by  
depressing the PAUSE (E or U) button again.  
V - Shuffle Button - W hen depressed before the PLAY button  
(D or T), this button will randomize the order in which the tracks  
are played. Depressing this button a second time will clear this  
A A  
W - Rep e a t Bu tto n - When depressed once, this button will  
cause a CD in play mode to repeat the tracks in the order they  
appear on the CD or to repeat a programmed selection of  
tracks in the order they are programmed. W hen pressed twice,  
the Repeat One mode will be activated, causing the currently  
selected or playing track to be repeatedly played. Pressing this  
button a third time will clear this function.  
X - Sca n Bu tto n - W hen depressed, this button will cause the  
transport to scan the CD. During this scan the transport will play  
the first 10 seconds of each track.  
Q - Pow er Button  
W hen depressed, this button will allow  
Y - Sea rch Reve rse a nd Forw a rd Butto n s - When de-  
pressed and held, these buttons allow a 10 second audible  
fast forward or reverse search of a track in play mode. After the  
10 second audible search, the SFT-1 will mute and proceed in  
a faster search. The time positioning and the track are shown in  
power to the transport for full-function control, or it will turn off  
the SFT-1 when the transport is no longer in use. The MAIN  
POW ER SWITCH (K), located on the rear of the SFT-1, must  
be in the “on” position for this button to work.  
R - N um e ric Key p a d - This keypad allows tracks to be selected  
directly. Punch the desired track number and then the next func-  
tion (either PLAY or PROGRAM) to complete the selection.  
Z - Sk ip Re ve rse a nd Fo rw a rd Bu ttons - When depress-  
ed, these buttons will position the laser to read the start of the  
track either before (skip reverse) or after (skip forward) the original  
position of the laser. The transport may be in the play, pause, or  
stop mode. Play will continue forward from this chosen track.  
S - Progra m Button - Tracks selected through the KEYPAD (R)  
or SKIP (H or Z) buttons may be programmed for desired play-  
back order by selecting a desired track then pushing the pro-  
gram button. Up to 20 tracks may be programmed into memo-  
ry for playback. Tracks may only be programmed once;  
attempting to program a track twice will clear the track from  
memory. To clear the programmed material from memory,  
press the STOP (F or AA) button once before programmed play  
has begun, or twice consecutively during play.  
A A - Stop Butto n - When depressed, this button will stop all func-  
tions, taking the CD out of PLAY mode and aligning the trans-  
port to the first track or the first programmed track. Depressing  
the STOP button when the CD is not in play mode will clear  
programmed tracks from memory or clear other selected func-  
tions such as SHUFFLE and REPEAT.  
O P E R A T IO N O F T H E S F T -1 T R A N S P O R T  
T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G  
Before plugging in the SFT-1, check to see that the unit is configured  
for the correct AC line voltage for country of use. The operating AC  
line voltage is indicated on the side of the shipping box. If the SFT-1  
Transport is set incorrectly for the country in which it is to be operat-  
ed, contact the dealer or distributor in your area. If the unit is config-  
ured properly, continue with operation.  
If at any time the SFT-1 Transport fails to work properly,  
consult this checklist:  
If the SFT-1 will not turn on:  
1. Check that the Main Power Switch (K) is in the on position.  
Connect the Detachable Power Cord to the SFT-1 chassis (see  
Figure 1) and plug your SFT-1 into the AC power source.  
2. Check that the AC Detachable Power Cord is plugged into the  
SFT-1 Detachable Power Cord Socket (L) and is connected to a live  
source of AC power. For instance, if using a power bar, check that  
the bar is turned on.  
Load the Remote Control with 2 AAA size batteries.  
Next choose the most appropriate digital output connector (M  
through P). With the appropriate cable connect the SFT-1 to your  
DACs digital input.  
If the SFT-1 is operating but does not play:  
1. Be sure the rest of the system is functioning properly (i.e. DAC,  
power amplifiers, cables and connections, etc.).  
The SFT-1 Transport is now ready for operation. Power the unit  
by placing the Power Switch (K) in the ON position. Next  
depress the Power Button (J or Q) and load the transport with a  
favorite CD. Select desired track(s) and press the Play Button (D  
or T). You are now ready to sit back, listen and enjoy.  
2. Check that the loading drawer is not jammed by an improperly  
loaded CD.  
3. Check to ensure the CD has not been put in the transport with the  
label side down.  
B R E A K -IN T IM E  
4. Be sure the CD is not damaged and is readable.  
As with all audio electronic products, the ultimate sonic charac-  
ter of the SFT-1 will not be realized until and unless the unit  
receives a minimum of approximately 150 hours of signal  
break-in time (i.e. the SFT-1 is on and outputting a signal).  
If the remote does not function, check to ensure that the two AAA  
batteries are fresh.  
If these checks fail to correct the operation of the SFT-1 Transport  
contact the nearest Sonic Frontiers dealer or Sonic Frontiers directly.  
S F T - 1 P L A C E M E N T  
Be sure the SFT-1 is resting on a hard, flat surface.  
Sonic Frontiers, Inc. warrants to the purchaser that each SFT-1  
Transport is free of manufacturing defects for a period of five  
(5) years from the date of purchase. This five (5) year limited  
non-transferable warranty excludes the transport mechanism,  
which we warrant for a period of twelve (12) months. To  
receive this warranty, the original purchaser must complete and  
mail to Sonic Frontiers, within thirty (30) days from the date of  
purchase, the enclosed W arranty Registration Card. Sonic  
Frontiers, Inc. will then validate the warranty to the original pur-  
chaser. This warranty is subject to the following conditions and  
l i m i t a t i o n s :  
1. W ater and Moisture - This product should not be used near  
water. To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this  
product to rain or moisture.  
2. Heat - This product should be situated away from heat  
sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appli-  
ances which produce heat.  
3. Power Sources - This product should be connected to an AC  
power source of the proper rated voltage. The original ship-  
ping container will stipulate the AC voltage this unit can oper-  
ate with correctly.  
. W arranty applies only to the original purchaser.  
2. This warranty is void and inapplicable if the product has  
been handled other than in accordance with the instructions in  
this O wner’s Manual, abused or misused, damaged by acci-  
dent or neglect or in being transported, or the defect is due to  
the product being tampered with, modified or repaired by any-  
one other than Sonic Frontiers, Inc. or an authorized Sonic  
Frontiers repair depot.  
4. Cleaning - A regular dusting with a soft, non-abrasive cloth  
will generally keep the finish of the faceplate and chassis look-  
ing like new. At no time should you allow any liquid to come in  
contact with the SFT-1 Transport; it may run into the electronic  
circuitry and cause damage which will not be covered under  
your warranty.  
3. W arranty does not cover normal maintenance.  
5. Servicing - Do not open this product. No user serviceable  
parts inside. Refer servicing to an authorized service technician.  
4. Sonic Frontiers, Inc. shall not be responsible in any way for  
consequential or indirect damages or liabilities resulting from  
the use and operation of the product covered herein or result-  
ing from any breach of this warranty or any implied warranty  
relating to said product.  
6. Non-Use Periods - The power cord of this product should be  
unplugged from the outlet when left unused for an extended  
period of time.  
During this stated period, Sonic Frontiers, Inc. will repair or  
replace any defective components free of charge. A Return  
Authorization Number (RA Number) is required before any  
product is returned to our factory for any reason. This number  
must be visible on the exterior of the shipping container(s) for  
Sonic Frontiers to accept the return.  
W e recommend that you retain all of the packing material and  
shipping boxes for your SFT-1 Transport to be covered by war-  
ranty. They are custom designed to prevent shipping damage  
from occurring. Sonic Frontiers, Inc. will accept no responsibili-  
ty for any damage occurring to an SFT-1 Transport that is  
shipped in packing material other than the original Sonic  
Frontiers packing material.  
Units shipped to us without a Return Authorization Number or  
without a visible RA Number on the exterior of the shipping  
container(s) will be returned to the sender, freight collect.  
Under no circumstances does Sonic Frontiers, Inc. assume lia-  
bility or responsibility for injury or damages sustained in the use  
or operation of this equipment or for damages to any other  
equipment connected to it.  
Units to be repaired by Sonic Frontiers, Inc. must be sent ship-  
ping and insurance prepaid by the original purchaser in the  
original packing material. A returned product should be accom-  
panied by a written description of the defect and a copy of the  
original bill of sale. Repaired units will be returned by Sonic  
Frontiers, Inc. shipping and insurance prepaid. The senders  
name, address and telephone or fax number must accompany  
the unit.  
Sonic Frontiers, Inc. reserves the right to make design changes  
or improvements without the obligation to revise prior versions.  
All specifications are subject to change without notice.  
All other warranties or conditions either written or implied  
are void.  
Note: In foreign markets (anywhere outside of Canada and the  
USA), the warranty is supplied by the authorized International  
Distributor. Exact terms and conditions may vary.  
S F T - 1 T E C H N IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S  
W ow and Flutter  
Below measurable levels  
<2 ps rms, to 40 kHz at the clock  
Typically 10 ps rms, at the outputs  
independently verified with UltraAnalogs  
latest Jitter Analyzer)  
Digital Outputs  
Balanced on XLR-3 connector  
110 ohms, ±5%  
3.0V p-p typ with 110 ohm load  
7 ns, typ  
Single ended RCA connector  
75 ohms, ±5%  
D a n g e r - Invisible Laser radiation when the  
cover is removed from the chassis. Avoid dire c t  
e x p o s u r e to the beam.  
0.5V p-p typ with 75 ohm load  
8 ns, typ  
Single ended BNC connector  
75 ohms, ±5%  
W a rn i n g - Fast heating (eg. bringing the  
mechanism from a cold place into a warm and  
humid room) can result in moisture condensing  
on the lens. Before operation, the mechanism  
should sta bilize for at least 4 hours.  
0.5V p-p typ with 75 ohm load  
8 ns, typ  
HP HFBR-1414  
60 uw into 62 um fibre  
Laser, Semiconductor GaAIAs, 0.5 mw, continuous, 790 nm  
Sampling Rate  
352.8 KHz  
Disc Rotation Velocity 200-500 rpm (constant linear vel.)  
16 bits, linear  
CIRC principle  
This symbol is intended to alert the  
user to the presence of uninsulated  
dangerous voltage” within the  
product’s enclosure that may be of  
sufficient magnitude to constitute  
a risk of electric shock to persons.  
Error Correction  
Number of channels 2 channels, stereo  
17” W ide x 11” Deep x 3.5” High  
(43 cm x 28 cm x 9 cm)  
W eight  
17 lbs (7.7 kg), unpacked  
This symbol is intended to alert the  
user to the presence of important  
operating and maintenance (servicing)  
instructions in the literature accompany-  
ing the appliance.  
W arranty  
5 years parts and labor on the unit  
1 year on transport mechanism  
W e at Sonic Frontiers are sure that you will derive many years  
of listening pleasure with your new SFT-1 Transport. This Owner’s  
Manual contains important information regarding the operation  
and care of the SFT-1. Be sure to read this manual carefully and  
follow these instructions in order to keep it looking, operating  
and sounding its best.  
2790 Brighton Road, Oakville, O ntario, Canada L6 H 5T4  
Telephone: (9 05 ) 8 2 9-3 8 38 Fa csimile: (90 5 ) 8 29 -3 03 3  
Sonic Frontiers can be reached from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (E.S.T.), or 24 hours a day by facsimile.  

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